
Prof. Ayça Tekin-Koru,

2023-2023: “Maraş (2023) Depremleri Sonrasında Bölgede Ekonomik ve Sosyal Hayatın Normale Dönüşüne İlişkin Disiplinlerarası Bir Saha Araştırması,” TUBITAK 1002-B Grant

2020-2022: “The Potential Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis on Turkish Economy from the Lens of International Trade,” TED University Research Grant

Grants and Awards

2019-2021: “Investigating the Impact of Syrian Refugees on Export and Production Patterns of Turkish Firms Using Micro-Level Data,” TUBITAK 1001 Grant (148,500 TL)

Prof. Nazire Nergiz Dinçer

Authorized Economic Operator Programs in the Islamic Countries: Enhancing Customs-Traders Partnership,” November 2018, The Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation of the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation (230,340 TL+KDV)

“Yetkilendirilmiş Yükümlü Statüsü Çerçevesinde KOBİ Desteklerinin Belirlenmesi,” December 2017, Ministry of Customs and Trade (55,000 TL+KDV)

Grants and Awards

2020: “The Potential Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis on Turkish Economy from the Lens of International Trade,” TED University Research Grant (14,040 TL)

2014-2015: “Adult Education: Determinants and Economic Impacts,” TUBITAK 1001 Grant (88,182 TL)

Prof. Dr. Seyit Mümin Cılasun

“Female employment and wage dynamics using matched firm-employee data”, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) Grant No: 124K836, 2024 (with M. Dayıoğlu Tayfur and E. Taymaz).

EU IPA II Project on “Technical Assistance for Strengthening Training and Research Capacity of the Centre for Labour and Social Training and Research”, SNKE, 2023-2024.

“Supply Chain Effects of Immigrants”, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) Grant No: 122K386, 2022 (with Y. E. Akgündüz, A. Aydemir, M. G. Kırdar).

EU IPA II Project on Household Finance and Consumption Survey (HFCS), Project Coordinator, 2018-2021.

Doc. Dr. Burze Yaşar

Erasmus + Grant. “Social X-Change”, 2022-2025, Manager, (400,000 EUR)

EIT’s (European Institute of Innovation and Technology) HEI Initiative, 2022-2025, Researcher, (1,213,329 EUR)

Erasmus + Grant. “Incubators 4 Change”,2019-2022, Manager, (298,000 EUR)

IPA Grant by the European Commission. “Building a Social Entrepreneurship Network in Turkey”, 2018-2020, Researcher, (540,000 EUR)

Project by British Council., “Research for the Social Enterprise Sector in Turkey”, 2018, Researcher (42,000 GBP)

UK Bilateral Fund Capacity Building Project on Social Innovation & CSOs, Consultant on Social Finance, TED University, 2016-2017, Coordinator, (41,640 GBP)

Grants and Awards

2019-2022: Erasmus + Grant. “Incubators 4 Change”, Coordinator (298,000 EUR)

2018-2020: IPA Grant by the European Commission. “Building a Social Entrepreneurship Network in Turkey”, Researcher (540,000 EUR)

2017-2018: Research Grant by Denizbank A.S., Coordinator (6,000 USD)

2016-2017: BAP Research Grant, “Mobil Bankacılık Uygulamaları”, TED University, Coordinator (10,000 USD)

Dr. Işıl Sevilay Yılmaz

“Maraş (2023) Depremleri Sonrasında Bölgede Ekonomik ve Sosyal Hayatın Normale Dönüsüne İlişkin Disiplinlerarası Bir Saha Araştırması”, Funding Institution:  The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TUBITAK), completed in February 2024.

“Social Impact Investment Network: Financing Tools, Impact Measurement and Ecosystem” Mapping (RETURN2SOCIETY)”, Received above threshold award from The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TUBITAK) for HORIZON2020 application in 2019.

Research for Social Enterprise Sector in Turkey, Funding Institution: British Council, Completed in June 2019

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